Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The LED flicks on for a second, "there are hundreds of good lawyers out there." It snaps to half-power, and then it quickly shuts off. And until it flicks on again, good night...good night. Good night orange and lime lights, good night camera shutter. The noise subsides for a time. "The world will do without me for a while." For now...good night. Clasp again to will a new message. Till it comes again...good night. Neck swivel left eye shiver, arpeggio after arpeggio after hours...have a good life.

"Settling in I see?"

Why yes, Ma'ma! Spike spike river flow river flow river flow spike bridge spike river flow, instructions: say goodbye. It's special for us tonight. Good bye. Mute mute arpeggio downwind. Mute arpeggio whistle flourish whistle flourish! The joy the joy the joy neck swivel, resolve. And resolve. Good night. T-t-t-t-t-take your time. For now...have a good life. And then, stay right.

"Sounds a bit tinny, no?"

Certainly! So blow some air into your upper lip pocket and clench your lips around some crossy eyes, then close them. See what I meant about the noise? Rest your weary head, my good friend. Down eye-liner on the river tonight. We all stay awake all night. Wood floors slow ship driftin' down the wide windy river. Got my arms over the rail limp like a doll, blowin' air into my upper lip and twisting my entire leg, a little river jig. A little river time. A warm...river night. Steeply up - leisurely down, if your heart's right. If your...mind's fine. Sleep it off, fill it up, but on our side. Say good night. For now...good bye.

"There's a treasure here for you tonight!"

That's. That's just fine. I continued to let my body spasm with every note in the score and tried to assign each instrument a different muscle group, together it was very relaxing even though to the outsider it looks like I was having a hard time. It was relaxing because I wasn't thinking. Time enough...good night. Time's right..."good bye."


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