Friday, May 25, 2007

Screwed Sockets

“That was Fleetwood Mac with 'Go Your Own Way' and after a short break we'll be back with a 42 minute non-stop rock block here on blazin' 94.2, double-you see ayche eee. ... Captain Freeland, how do you stay so cool under these tough conditions? It's easy, Officer Prowing, I drink Coca-Cola to fuel my rudder and use Xtreme Sport Old Spice to prime my engines. Sometimes the best way to stay so calm is to be sedated, and for that I grill up some short ribs – all in all officer, I do my body good. Coca-Cola & Old Spice do not have anything to do with one another, neither do Coca-Cola and short ribs, or Old Spice and short ...”

With intense frustration he turned the dial all the way to the right just to get off that channel. He couldn't take that wordy nonsense. With his right arm hanging out of the pool, he turned his big black radio off and then leaned back on his silver floating throne. The gurgling of the pool filter wasn't audible until the 3:43 p.m. Delta MD-80 had landed, but after that the filter was all he heard for about 70 seconds. That's all he needed to get comfortable and relax his muscles. He closed his eyes and rifled through some things: “I'm going to have to get out soon to help with dinner. I need to piss but not even close to badly enough to get me off this raft. She'll start first the longer I wait more she'll do. Wonder if she'd do all. Probably say something if she does it.” He exhaled. “Oh whatever I'm sure I still have 20 minutes.” Another MD-80 roared. “Michelle that golden hair, smile, body, haha.” He stuck his jaw out with his lips pressed together, then he twisted his torso a bit. He exhaled. He folded his hands on his big abdomen, a warm wind came in and turned the next 30 planes around, forcing them to land on the 31's instead of the 13's. “What I'd do ... she'll do it.” He fell asleep and the filter kept turning water on its head at the other end of his pool.

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