I don't know where it was but I kept thinking Europe, it was definitely somewhere that I needed to change my currency. So I'm walking around alone, and I guess it looked alot like Epcot, but the streets were curvilinear and the doors had these weird baskets in front of them. I went into one of the apartments with the intention of seeing [18] but all the doors in the hall were locked. The hall was also definitely made of white-ish marble. Anyway I didn't seem to mind because I just walked around outside again, it was a beautiful, sunny day. I reached this path that led upwards and I could tell it was a park because the closest buildings ahead of me were set really far back. When I got to the ground level of the park there were these enormous, highly detailed vehicles speeding all over a giant lawn. For some reason I called them "wave-runners" because they all had like ocean names. There was this little one that I called "sting ray" because it looked like a sting ray but also because it was easy to dodge it when it came because it kept the same trajectory all the way across the lawn. And yes, you had to dodge each of these vehicle/creature things as if they were waves. Only, if you got hit by any of them it really hurt. I started off doing pretty well but I somehow go into a crouched position and it was harder to move around and then I started getting hit the by the sides of these gigantic machines. Especially the "Queen Mary" - which was like the biggest one. It kept coming. Eventually it started running over my entire body and I was like badly bruised and hurting. I stood up and got hit head-on by one of the "sting rays." I decided to leave, and everything looked the same leaving as it had going. It was still sunny, it was still this foreign city. I passed through the revolving doors of this bowling alley whose logo had three pins. The place was painted almost entirely in yellow, and I really only got to be in the lobby of the place, which straddled two streets. So I could walk in the revolving doors off of one street, and when I passed through into the lobby, there was another revolving door that led onto the next street. Sunlight was pouring into this place and the yellow was really vibrant. The logo with the three pins was also really prominent. I kept thinking, "this would be perfect for [15] and [18]." Before I left the place through the revolving doors ahead of me, I went through a closet door. I just walked quickly and this guy in a yellow raincoat passed me. Just before I pushed the door to leave the bowling alley I turned around and said, "Keanu?" And the guy in the raincoat turned around, replied "yeah," and it was Keanu Reeves, who else?
Then there was this whole part in some poorly-lit room that was like bra ceremony for [15], who was getting the new piece of lingerie, and it was dark green. All I know is that it was too small because I got to put it on [15] and it seemed tight. [15] wore it and only it for the rest of the dream, which then took place in my house's living room. [15] was leaving and everyone had to say goodbye. I was last in line and [18] was first. the people between us were non-descript, though I thought that one was [19]. Just before [15] faced me to say goodbye I thought about the prospect of never seeing [15] again and I started sobbing.
tight hug, "be careful" "be carfeul" everyone left...
huge makeout scene (just kissing), I knew it was [15]
[18] came down the stairs and hadn't realized we were making out, which i guess I was worried about
[5.1]'s mom turned into [5.1]'s dad, in [2]'s room, then table scene with [15] still in the green bra. lots of little details remembered by [5.1]'s mom.
little handshakes at the end, definitely botched it with [1.65] at the end, my pinky was the only thing that caught, but [1.65] didn't mind.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Jungle Species
The room wasn't just mine. It was mine plus many, many elements from Ferris Bueller's room - most notably the stereo that he throws a baseball at as his parents come up the staircase. Just like during consciousness, the little wing flutter woke me up. I did that whole horizontal spin move fight-or-flight-i-think-i'll-hyperventilate mechanism - those are insects for you for me. It was definitely crawling past this painting of a jungle above my bed, which i was sharing with [18]. she was freaking out because at this point i got up and was just staring the mother-fucker down. It definitely had two really long, rigid antennae. Kind of like those at the end of a barbecue fork thing. When it crawled behind the jungle painting I started yelling, "I still know where you are fucker! I still know it!" I mean that's actually a pretty rare display of courage in the face of an insect so I kind of wonder why that confidence was present. Anyway it stuck it's "tines" out from the jungle painting and I said, "Aha!" Then the SEG switched to a wide shot of the room from the jungle painting camera and I realized that there were three people in the room, the third was [9], who I always thought looked like a monkey. She was standing in the corner behind me and watching me flip out. [18] curled up at the corner of the bed and watched the insect travel along the walls behind the different posters. Everything rotated and as it did I was sitting on the bed huddled up and the door opened and it was [8]. I quickly kicked the door closed with [8] inside. The creature and [8] would have collided but he just calmly picked up a small dart from the floor and kid of sidearm/submarined it right at the insects head and killed it. When he picked it up it wasn't a roach with barbecue tines sticking out of its head but a truly ridiculous species. It had bright green and yellow surf-gear-looking wings, about a foot wide, and the crazy antenna had disappearred. It wasn't a roach anymore either, instead it was distinctly a slug with one end that led into the wings (the end that had been the tines, i'd imagine), and one end that turned into a black and yellow screwdriver.

My analysis: So it's the typical insect fear thing. [8] is amazing at both dealing with bugs and doing random tiny things really precisely. I always thought [8] liked the monkey girl though he probably doesn't. Clearly I was either acting protective for the split second, when I realized there was someone with me. But the fact that I stood up and left [18] there to die is somewhat troubling. The jungle painting and the messy room recalls how nervous I am about keeping a dirty, humid room - fearing insects. The barbecue thing is beyond me, maybe horns or like an exaggeration of the power of a stupid roach. The fact that the roach was crawling on the walls above my bed is also indicative of specific fear that insects will get off the ground and go in my mouth. Maybe that's why the fork. I don't know why [8] had to save me, though I probably needed to be saved - and why did I kick the door closed and then see [9]? Did I need her approval or was I looking to see what she thought of the prospect of [8] saving the day? I don't think it was approval, she was there for [8]. The precision thing is just characterization of [8] - it's spot on - but the fact that it turned into the weird-ass creature thing is beyond me. A screwdriver-headed, half-matured slug with surfboard wings? The screwdrivers were definitely the screwdrivers that I grew up with around the house. The slug is probably the insect I fear least though I still am creeped out by it. The transition into the butterfly-like thing with surfboard wings makes no sense. Was it a caterpillar? It's finally getting hazy.
My analysis: So it's the typical insect fear thing. [8] is amazing at both dealing with bugs and doing random tiny things really precisely. I always thought [8] liked the monkey girl though he probably doesn't. Clearly I was either acting protective for the split second, when I realized there was someone with me. But the fact that I stood up and left [18] there to die is somewhat troubling. The jungle painting and the messy room recalls how nervous I am about keeping a dirty, humid room - fearing insects. The barbecue thing is beyond me, maybe horns or like an exaggeration of the power of a stupid roach. The fact that the roach was crawling on the walls above my bed is also indicative of specific fear that insects will get off the ground and go in my mouth. Maybe that's why the fork. I don't know why [8] had to save me, though I probably needed to be saved - and why did I kick the door closed and then see [9]? Did I need her approval or was I looking to see what she thought of the prospect of [8] saving the day? I don't think it was approval, she was there for [8]. The precision thing is just characterization of [8] - it's spot on - but the fact that it turned into the weird-ass creature thing is beyond me. A screwdriver-headed, half-matured slug with surfboard wings? The screwdrivers were definitely the screwdrivers that I grew up with around the house. The slug is probably the insect I fear least though I still am creeped out by it. The transition into the butterfly-like thing with surfboard wings makes no sense. Was it a caterpillar? It's finally getting hazy.
Monday, January 9, 2006
Alone in the City Street
sites like this piss me right off. minimal value, lots of broken conventions, a four. a four. an excerpt, and a salutation:
"A flourish of trout approached
The Royal Stent and
Duprois unholstered his handgun
and began firing into the
water. A few geese on the fringes
of the lake flapped up and flew
away. There was one kind of fatass
goose (as always is the case)
that just [went through the motions]
and then went back to
like sucking at a chunk of moss
hoping to find a piece of fried
chicken or something."
~ MEMG 3
until next time, z911
"A flourish of trout approached
The Royal Stent and
Duprois unholstered his handgun
and began firing into the
water. A few geese on the fringes
of the lake flapped up and flew
away. There was one kind of fatass
goose (as always is the case)
that just [went through the motions]
and then went back to
like sucking at a chunk of moss
hoping to find a piece of fried
chicken or something."
~ MEMG 3
until next time, z911
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